Die Wersi

In meiner Jugend gabs mal Heimorgeln der Firma Wersi in irgendwelchen Versandkatalogen. Die Wersi war mal nicht so klein und, ...... , was ich bis vor kurzem nicht wußte, ...... , die wurden in Bochum produziert. Nachdem die Wersi pleite war, waren verschiedene Firmen da drin. Steht aber schon ne ganze Weile leer.


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Diskussion geschlossen
  • Ken (Donnerstag, 25. April 2013 05:23)

    The art of urban photography has reetlcny been on the rise. All these photos prove that a talented photographer can find beautiful subjects practically anywhere. And it's much more easier today when
    most of us live in urban environments each of which exemplifies its own characteristics. What I like above all is the transformation of urban landscapes by photographers giving the images a
    completely crazy look such as the Orchid Hotel in Tel Aviv by .